Actually Obtainium is mentioned (but thank you, checking back I saw I had a typo in the github link that I had missed, and I’ve now fixed it!), but this is the first time I hear about Accrescent: is it this App store?
I did nothing and I’m all out of ideas!
Actually Obtainium is mentioned (but thank you, checking back I saw I had a typo in the github link that I had missed, and I’ve now fixed it!), but this is the first time I hear about Accrescent: is it this App store?
You are right, and I forgot to add the link to it in the opening post. I’ll edit it in!
The only text-to-audio model I can think of at the moment is Stable Audio Open, which AFAIK is rather underwhelming for your use-case, if it can even handle stuff more complex than basic sounds - and no lyrics.
It is even under the “new” membership licensing of SAI.
I remember reading about a more recent one, but I currently can’t find it, and I don’t think that that one too could handle lyrics.
I suppose the Music industry is a lot harder to fight, so not a lot of people want to entangle themself with it.
Silverbullet is like that. It is not an electron or native app, you have to run a server and then get to it from the browser.
TLDR it is best run with docker or podman, but IMHO it is pretty good.
It says it can lead to health issues… Not that it will… soooo…
I wish they used them all, especially XDG_CACHE_HOME
which can become pretty big pretty fast.
disable this system security feature temporarily,
This should be - if I’m not mistaken - possible using the pip env var I posted about earlier, like this:
PIP_BREAK_SYSTEM_PACKAGES=1 sudo apt install howdy
Or exporting it for the current shell, before running the installation
But I personally highly discourage it, because - AFAIK - if it even works it will mess up the deps in your system.
I’m no python expert but reading around it seems your only real solution is using a virtual environment, through pipx or venv as you already had found out, or using the
* Allow pip to modify an EXTERNALLY-MANAGED Python installation
(environment variable: `PIP_BREAK_SYSTEM_PACKAGES`)
pip flag which, as the name suggest, should be avoided.
EDIT: After rereading I got your problem better and I was trying to read the source for Howdy to see how to do it, so far no luck.
I find it funny that this is the first video where I’m consistently getting the “This helps us protect our community” and “Log in to confirm that you are not a bot” errors while using an alternative Frontend.
I’m sure it’s just a random coincidence, but it is still funny to me.
This was an interesting question, so I took a quick dive in the docs, it seems it has an S3 integration to help with it, and some comments on the various supported services
More info here:
Still, depending on the chosen provider and the amount of viewers, it could be quite costly
It’s an error with a dependency written in Rust, the workaround is to use an older toolchain (1.72), it is fixed in the newer code of tokenizers, but probably it is not updated in AUTOMATIC1111 yet: you should check their bug tracker
To have more info you can read this issue: Link
Considering you are not using the Flatpak anymore it is, indeed, strange. The only reasons I can think of are: your network manager is using the wrong network interface to route your traffic ( if you go on an ip checking site like for example ipinfo do you see yours or the VPN’s IP?) or that you have WebRTC enabled and the broadcaster is getting your real ip through that.
For the first case it can get pretty complicated, but it is probably an error during the installation of the VPN app or you set up multiple network managers and it gets confused on which one to configure. You should also enable the Advanced Kill Switch in the configuration.
For the second case you could try adding something like the Disable WebRTC add-on for firefox and check if it works. Remember to enable it for Private Windows too.
The last thing I can think of is that you allowed the broadcaster to get your real geolocation (in firefox it should be a small icon on the left of the address bar), or you are leaking some kind of information somewhere: there are a bunch of site that check for ip leak, but I don’t know if that goes too deep for you.
If you want to check anyway the first two results from DDG are browserleaks and ipleak. Mullvad offered one too but it is currently down.
EDIT: If you enable the Advanced Kill Switch, and the app is working correctly, internet will not work while you are not connected to a VPN server or until you disable the switch again, so pay attention to that.
Probably when you installed the second linux you overwrote the boot loader instead of adding a new UEFI entry point.
But I’ve never had a Mac, so take this with a pinch of salt, and honestly considering things can change based on what, in which order, and how you installed things… it could be something else.
Unfortunately, in general, people tend to just read, vote, and then forget about it without checking back: that’s why I always try to add some source or ways to verify what I post.
And - in this specific case - probably some people just like LTT, I assume.
Linus is an investor in the framework company: Source on the framework forums that links to the video on youtube
Why not directly link to the video? Because I don’t want to! :P
Because, as pointed in the page, Servo is being developed as a(n embeddable) Rendering Engine, not as a full blown end user Browser.
Its alternatives are not Chrome, Safari or Firefox, but Webkit, Blink and Gecko
There’s an example GUI called Servoshell, but it is more of a testing ground and example on how to embed the engine in an app than a serious alternative to anything currently in the market.
Already this kind of work is difficult and daunting. Adding to it a full GUI would make it completely impossible for the current size and financial backing Servo has.
Big words aside it just means that Servo wants to be only one of the parts that compose a real browser: the one that takes HTML, Javascript, WASM and translates them into the things you see on your monitor. All the user facing functionality are left to the devs of the app that embed it.
Yeah. GDPR should have been implemented as a mandatory part of HTML or even HTTP that interacts with a builtin browser feature.
Well, it kind of is. The Do Not Track header has recently seen a court win in Germany (source):
It turned out that the judge agreed with vzbv, ruling that the social media giant is no longer allowed to warn users it doesn’t respect DNT signals. That’s because, under GDPR, the right to opt out of web tracking and data collection can also be exercised using automated procedures.
And it is basically the same in California too Source
GPC is a valid do-not-sell-my-personal-information signal according to the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), which stipulates that websites are legally required to respect a signal sent by users who want to opt-out of having their personal data sold.
Give technitium a go, my woes diminished drastically with that.
I’m not sure this is going to directly affect that, because their deal talks mainly about financing for the Control game, and the other news is about movie adaptations, so probably it is going to be another team, lead by the newly re-hired Hector Sanchez, working on that…
But who knows, this kind of things are always hard to follow from the outside