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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: March 20th, 2024


  • 1.2l water

    240ml sodium sulfate

    60ml sodium chloride

    20ml xantham gum(optional for increased efficacy by keeping the solution homogenous)

    Boil water, stir until fully dissolved, a small amount of solute should remain, if not, increase sodium sulfate concentration slowly until it does, indicating no free water molecules available for dissolution.

    Solution should now be cooled to below 18c( freezing point) for an end product that will regulate temperature to 18c so long as it have sufficient(negative) thermal energy.

    Solution of pure sodium chloride will have freezing point approx -20C, while solution of pure sodium sulfate has freezing point +35C. Adjusting the ratio of NaCl to Na2SO4 will shift the freezing point towards either end of thag spectrum, depending on what phase change temperature you are targetting.

  • I would argue that the modern smartphone is different, but by no means better. Between the locked down operating systems and the lack of a physical keyboard they are great for consuming media through approved channels, but basically useless if you want to get any work done with them.

  • Why does anyone care what time you turn up at the office? People have different sleep preferences and family commtiments. Just schedule any all-hands meetings for a mutually agreeable time and let people live their lives.

    I trust my people to spend their time wisely and to self direct if we’re not online at the same time. Shit gets done. Why would I fuck up someone’s sleep in, or put them under unnecessary pressure when they’re trying to prep their kids for school, just to have our clock-ins line up on a spreadsheet I’m never going to look at?