• 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023


  • FYI, leetcode is not a “learn to code” website it is a “practice problems that will be asked at tech interviews” site. A lot of these problems are inspired by (or maybe are even literally from) interviews at “top companies” like Google, Facebook, etc. They are almost completely algorithmic or data structure problems, i.e. “unrelated to your actual work” (well, most of your actual work for most people).

  • Wouldn’t you argue that putting hard restrictions would have the benefit of shrinkjng your recruitment team? To be clear, I’m coming from an extremely anecdotal point of view, but to me it seems like tech is full of imposters jumping from job to job, playing up their experience. Recruiters cannot spot these people, because they know all the jargon despite having none of the skills. This is why these technical interviews exist, but now those are even being gamed by people by studying leetcode. I’d be really curious what a high quality tech recruiter does vs the average.

  • We do require a BS in computer science

    The only scenarios where I’d think I wouldn’t require one are

    1. I want cheaper labor
    2. I am really desperate to fill a position
    3. The skills I need in a candidate are incredibly niche, thus I want to widen the applicant pool.

    #1 and #2 are indicative of other problems in your company. I get that you can be a good dev without a degree, but from an employer perspective, it seems like an easy way to save time and money on hiring. I am convinced that a lot of money is wasted on recruiters who throw everyone under the sun into the hiring process just so they can justify their existence.

  • Does it execute both, or does it execute the branch that is more likely to be valid? Branch prediction seems like it’d be way more performant than executing both branches until the result of the branch condition is available. If you think about it, what you’re proposing will cause the CPU to always execute instructions that are not meant to be executed when confronted with a branch whereas branch prediction will only execute these “useless” instructions in the unlikely scenario where the prediction is incorrect.

  • As others have said, use ntfs and just install ntfs-3g

    which i use mostly for storing games

    If you are trying to put your Steam games and share them between Windows and Linux, be prepared for a headache. I did this for a short period of time, and it worked OK, but tbh it really doesn’t seem worth it. You have to jump through some hoops to get Linux Steam to play nicely with NTFS, and your Linux Steam will fight your Windows Steam every time you switch between using one or the other. Putting my Proton/Linux games on my ext4 partition, a weight was lifted off of my shoulders. This might work better if you share the drive but have separate steam library folders for each OS, but at that point you might as well just have two separate partitions.

  • That really depends on your definition of “sane defaults.” Even a lot of the computer science professionals I work with wouldn’t consider Arch Linux defaults as sane. I picture sane defaults to include a lot more basic functionality that Arch doesn’t have out of box (automatic suspend, desktop environment, lock screen, etc.).

    I use Arch for the exact same reason you do though. Once you get past the tedious stuff like setting up your networking stack, setting up idle suspend, etc. it’s nice to choose whatever WM/DE you want and customize it how you want.