Somewhat. Only in the beginning.
Somewhat. Only in the beginning.
Ah forgot about that one. Kind of ereased it from memory.
Which rockstar game had a bad release?
Jokes on you. I got both going on for me. Not a fun time.
I mean the list never said that the browser is opensource. The opensource column is for the respective technology to the left of it. So it describes if the js and browser engines are opensource.
I don’t why people buy multiple phones. Over the span of few years. Is it not a hassle to always set them up?
Google android is far from clean. I had to install a new launcher because it wouldn’t let me disable the stupid google bar on the mainscreen. Searching for a way to disable it I stumpled on way too many google kiddies asking “WhY WoULd wAnT To DisaBLe tHiS FeaTUre?”
We’ve found the cs major with no work experience :).