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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: November 1st, 2023


  • Or, I don’t talk politics to YOU. I talk politics all the time, even people I know hard disagree with me on major things. The thing is, we can stay civil, if hard facts are introduced that prove a point one person is making, or show why someone’s idea is wrong, it will be actually considered. When I say this, it is usually because I know that person can’t do this, or I am in an environment where this can hurt my life, like work.

  • Replace black, and America, with African refugees, and Italy, or whatever. Just because it uses this particular instance as the example, does not mean that it doesn’t apply to systems of power everywhere. This is specifically how it went down in the US. However this template of behavior can be seen everywhere. If you read the whole thing you will find that it is discussing how a society’s majority, that is in control (a population minority can be the ones for whom the system is built, so it is those in the majority of positions of power, that matter), builds its structures, and, consciously or not, this negatively impacts minorities within their borders, as it selects a preferential treatment of the majority demographic of it’s power structure.

  • You are talking about Henry Bennett. This is a myth though. While he did have stairs like that, he died in a care home after years of declining health. His actual cause of death wasn’t announced, but it was likely because he had been in rapid decline for years and just before going into the care home, had a stroke.

  • Ha, something similar happened to my grandmother, though they claimed to need to read her meters. My grandmother is in her 90s and has a lead a hard as fuck life, she takes zero shit. So she immediately thought it was odd that they didn’t say which utility meter they needed to look at, nor did their uniforms have anything more than vague identifiers on it. So she said oh? which meter? What utility? She said they stammered a bit but said water, and she said, ok, the water meter is right there, pointing to the meter in the back of her car-port. Then they tried to come up with some BS about how they need to get the “other” meter readings at her water-heater. She knows that isn’t a thing. So she said there isn’t such a thing, you need to leave. They immediately started to argue and she said “I have no qualms shooting two men trying to rob me”. They left, they were yelling they would tell the police, their utilities company, the department of public works, etc. She said she needed to take her heart medication right afterword, but was otherwise fine. Well guess what? Nothing came of it. Thing is, she keeps a small gauge shot-gun next to the door and would have, indeed, shot them if they tried to get inside.

  • For those who refuse to read a little bit. The bill says what Goitein has posted. However it also includes a number of exclusions to those conditions.

    Those exceptions being:

    a public accommodation facility

    a dwelling, as that term is defined in section 802 of the Fair Housing Act

    a community facility, as that term is defined in section 315 of the Defense Housing and Community Facilities and Services Act of 1951

    a food service establishment, as that term is defined in section 281 of the Agricultural Marketing Act of 1946 (7 U.S.C. 1638)

    So, this excludes places people live, community provided facilities to access the internet, and any other publicly provided internet point of access, and places that serve food, like starbuck’s wifi.

    It is still overly broad, to say the least. Personally I am of the opinion that organizations like the NSA already operate in such a manner without impunity as it is and we are just slowly bringing the law up to speed.

  • And you keep proving you are incapable of realizing that what you are saying is not the same as what is happening in REALITY. Your premise is foundationaly flawed. Accessing a porn site, and walking into a strip club, are completely different things. You, however, only seem to be able to understand that both have naked people in them, so they are the same.

    It’s illegal for a kid to walk in a strip club, it’s also illegal for a kid to access porn. The difference is that the strip club has a physical door you can stop the kid from passing through. You can see, and physically interact with, the kid at the strip club. On the internet you do not have that. A kid can not change themselves to be someone else, and have reasonable proof that they are an adult, and in a location where this is legal, at a strip club, like they easily can online. With less than an hour with google, and some basic computer software, a child can easily make themselves look anyway they want to a porn site, ISP, platform, etc. The best one can do with the strip club is provide a fake ID if you look like you could be old enough. Guess what? If they do this it is THEIR fault, not the strip club’s. The strip club can say “hey they had an ID and look like they are old enough” because they can physically interact with them. False identification is what is happening when a child accesses porn. This time they have no physical person there to examine though. They are saying “yes I am legally able to get on here” and, since there is no reasonable way to make sure this is true, they get let in the door. If the legal penalty changes to the site provider, who exists in a REALITY where there is no reasonable way to ensure someone is who they say they are, then there is no reasonable way they can adhere to a law, thus effectively creating a blanket ban of online porn without having to say “we made something ruled to have first amendment protections illegal”.

    If parents, who know, and have more control over, their child than anyone else, can’t stop them, what in hell makes you think some outside entity, who can only interact with them via layers of abstraction, could possibly do so? All this shit does is make kids learn how to mask their locations, and fake their credentials online, which is not hard to do. The only reasonable person to hold responsible for this is the child’s parents/care givers. The onus of liability has to fall on them. Even places like China can’t keep people from faking their identities online, yet you want to saddle porn sites with a legal burden if they can’t. But you don’t really want to stop children from accessing porn. You want porn to be illegal for everyone.

  • Did you know that a child accessing porn is illegal? Did you know that, when it is done in their on, or with, their property, the people responsible for that are the parents of those children, and no one else? The only thing these bills do are shift the regulation of personal life onto the government.

    Yes we need a STRONG MAN to lead us all to REALITY! We just need leader who is a STRONG MAN that doesn’t get distracted by pussy, weakling things, like freedoms, context, and viability. Just push government force onto everything I don’t like! That will bring people to REALITY!