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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 13th, 2023

  • If I were to end up doing it (too many things I would like to do, too little time), I’d do it foss. At most I’d paywall features that have an ongoing cost (like hosting or server costs), though I am a bigger fan of keeping things local. That way its simpler and also easier to trust.

    Personally, I think that paying for software isn’t a bad thing as long as the price is right and the licensing reasonable (I really hate unnecessary subscriptions). Devs (specially if working on complex stuff) got to eat too, and sometimes donations aren’t enough.

  • You are comparing Apples to oranges. While it may be true that Linux may have more software available, in my experience macOS has a shit ton of productivity software as well, and many times, due to being for-profit, of higher quality. That’s exactly why I’ve been thinking about giving my own try to making a launcher like Raycast for Linux.

  • A good change imo. Never made sense to me, both in desktop and mobile that DMs are located right with the server list. I don’t use it as much, but when I use it, it’s precisely for DMs, so I think it’s a change for the better. Some people complaining like they change every single part of the UI should touch some grass, sometimes change isn’t a bad thing.

  • We are not equating “communists” with fascism, we are equating authoritarian communists with fascism. They are both as bad because they are both authoritarian regimes that are based around opressing the people.

    And holicaust trivialization? Didn’t the URSS kill a shit ton of people as well? Isn’t China commiting crimes against humanity as well?

  • I mean, almost complete disappearance of smaller phones is kinda puzzling?

    Yeah, my bad there, I understood the previous comment as somewhat of a “Well I don’t understand how people can like big phones”.

    My guess is, as with many other things, corporations pushed towards a certain thing (big phones in this case) enough to make it the default and then the bigger audience just stopped caring as a result.

    It is interesting indeed, but I guess that’s just it, aside from the obvious fact that the bigger the space, the easier is to design stuff (my previous comment + better heat dissipation + more space for cameras), so probably a mixture of all of these things together and a couple more.

  • I’ve had both iPhones and Androids at several points in my life (just recently switched from and iPhone 11 to an S23 Ultra).

    For the most part, I find Android devices to be plain better. More features, more freedom… you know, the usual. The only thing I find to be better on the iPhones is that, as a frontend developer and someone who loves seeing nice UX on apps, I feel like 3rd party native apps are usually much better and much more frequent on Apple devices than on Android ones. When I participate in macOS development communities, it also feels like devs enjoy much more developing for macOS/iOS/iPadOS than the alternatives.

  • It has worked so far because the videos used to be good and years ago Youtube wasn’t as competitive. From then on, once you amass a decent amount of subscribers it’s fairly easy to ride the wave. It is also worth mentioning that his videos are very obviously focused towards “casual” audiences, most of which won’t even know when he is showing bad data or doing a poor review.

    they call nVidia names all the time, and keep bashing its practices.

    Sometimes? Maybe. But let’s not pretend like they haven’t been called out by the community multiple times for being “too soft” when Nvidia pullsed some shit, even when other reviewers did complain.

  • Aside from that, when people criticized the video because he was essentially bashing a small company made by 2 dudes^1 , he then went on a rant on a WAN show saying that he wouldn’t review the thing again because he is not going to waste employee time and money into doing a proper review. And that he does’t really care because, ultimately, he thinks it’s a product that nobody should ever buy because it’s too expensive, even if the performance was great.

    All said by the dude that used to make the weirdest shit and pay a shit ton of money for garbage, but god forbid someone made a waterblock for water cooling enthusiasts (you know, the kind of person that likes spending money on these products just for funsies, like audiophiles).

    1. This is funny because he always tries to avoid bashing big corps, like when Nvidia fucks up a product release, but they still find something positive to say about it. But a small company composed by 2 dudes that is lending you a prototype, which is not even their final product? A prototype that Linus himself (because it was him and one more dude) couldn’t be arsed to review properly and decided to complain all throughout the video? Let me step on them and destroy their business if possible.