College Prof in the US, focus areas are Human-Computer Interaction, Cybersecurity, and Machine Learning

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  •"Cancel Culture"
    6 months ago

    Ok, you are entitled to your opinion, but the claim was that Christian churches and Christian church goers weren’t being targeted or “demonized,” which I’ve shown is false. Both with an example from yesterday morning, and an aggregate data set which shows some level of significance. Now, whether you want to argue if it is deserved, or proportional, or whatever else is up to you and your morals. However, the original claim that Christians are not the target of harassment because of their religious affiliation is simply not true.

  • Vivaldi has been my browser of choice for years as well. Fantastic product in my experience. I’ve sadly forced myself to start using firefox and librewolf in an attempt support alternatives to chromium based browsers. Firefox and co. are fine, but I’m still reaching for features and options from vivaldi that just don’t exist in firefox without a maze of incompatible and poorly maintained plugins.

  • I don’t think that is a hot take at all. Many popular Linux tools in a way that feels like it was easy to implement, but not necessarily easy to use. This makes sense when you realize that many of the projects started as labors of love by developers, not UI/UX designers. Those folks work for money, and don’t spend their weekends designing imagery layouts for software that doesn’t exist just for fun. I think the only way this hole is going to be dug out is if universities start focusing more on cross-training and software engineering/development degrees instead of computer science degrees. If the next generation can make something useable, then people will use it. Once people use it, the money can flow, and professional designers can be hired.