2023 Reddit Refugee

On Decentralization:

“We no longer have choice. We no longer have voice. And what is left when you have no choice and no voice? Exit.” - Andreas Antonopoulos

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • CatZoomies@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlI'm still worthy
    3 months ago

    Me loading up A Link to the Past and still having a full memory of every palace, which areas are secrets, which walls make the satisfying clink clink clink, and how to get the Golden Master Sword without having to check GameFAQs:

    “Hell yeah. Zelda, go put on your green tunic and let’s go save Link.

  • CatZoomies@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlCapitalists be like
    8 months ago

    Owner Class: “Hey everybody. We’ve had an excellent season this year, so we wanted to pay our success forward. Hold out your hands, we’re gonna share our harvest!”

    Mushroom and White Trees hold out their “hands”.

    Owner Class trickles a pittance of nutrients on Mushroom only.

    White Trees: “… Wait, what?! How come Mushroom got this?”

    Mushroom: “Yeah that’s weird. Let’s go ask Owner Class what happened!”

    Owner Class: “WTF? That’s so weird! Hey, Mushroom! What happened here? Why did you get some nutrients and White Trees didn’t get any?!”

    Mushroom: “Hey, I deserve this! I worked so hard this season, I have to eat, too!”

    White Trees: “Give us some!”

    Mushroom: “Make me!”

    Scuffle Intensifies

    Emperor Palpatine Owner Class: Laughs in Reaganomics

    Sticks more straws into the nutrients and starts sucking.

  • CatZoomies@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlCapitalists be like
    8 months ago

    Owner Class: “LOL screw that! Hey, Mushroom!”

    Mushroom: “Yeah? What’s up?”

    Owner Class: “Watch out! That White Tree is trying to steal your nutrients.”

    Mushroom: “…”

    Mushroom: (•ˋ _ ˊ•)

    White Tree: “Whoa hang on there, fun guy. I’m not trying to steal your nutrients. I worked hard for these, I deserve my share.”

    Mushroom: “Let’s fight, bitch!”

    White Tree: “Them’s fighting words! You’re on!”

    Scuffle Intensifies

    Emperor Palpatine Owner Class: “Good. Good! Everything is proceeding as I have foreseen.” Sticks a straw in the nutrients and starts sucking all of it.

  • I used to think a slightly different way when I was younger. That these bad drivers needed to be taught a lesson. I would always catch up to them at a red light and shake my head no in disapproval and do a thumbs down.

    Then one day a driver I did that to stuck his hand out the window and waved a handgun in my direction. Looks like he had something to prove and wanted to teach me a lesson, too.

    Lesson learned: no matter what, you never, ever try to shame, scold, escalate, or “teach a lesson” to another driver. Ever. You have no idea what that person may do, and how quickly they can end your life. Would be a shame for you to wind up on the news as a dead person and your family to learn you were killed due to road rage.

    Over a decade since that incident, I’m married and would never do such a thing. If I had children, especially when in my car, I’d hate for them to see negative/retaliation behavior come from me - or worse, for them to see me exhibit any kind of road rage. I’m now older, wiser, and a much safer driver and better human being all around.

    Granted if someone tried a hit and run, I’d be on the phones with the cops and would follow them from a distance enough to get a good description and tag numbers.

    Edit: Yes, I’m American. How did you know?

  • CatZoomies@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlJim "Scumbag" Farley
    1 year ago

    To add this for posterity, there is an additional component to the U.S. autoworkers union striking. In 2008 during the global financial crisis (with things like robosigning foreclosures, predatory loans with ballooning interest rates, etc.), some U.S. automakers were asking for government bailouts, which eventually were granted. These bailouts were entirely taxpayer funded. Now the automakers are refusing to meet union contract negotiations. Automakers not paying employees cost-of-living, or frankly, just salary increases is upsetting, but the additional hypocrisy of U.S. tax-paying citizens bailing out these companies with their own money in 2008, and then not having the companies return some of the wealth in 2023 is enraging.


    Forgot to add that when the automakers were begging for government bailouts, the automakers had to take away worker pensions and some benefits to “protect the system”. In 2023, the U.S. autoworkers union is fighting to get those benefits back for the workers.

  • Why shun them? Shouldn’t we welcome them when they decide to join us?

    No one likes an evangelist, so I think it’s best to not try to recruit people; Rather, we can make others aware of this problem by making announcements that state facts about what’s going on. Then we leave the 99% to figure it out and decide for themselves.

    I never heard of Lemmy, but I’ve been disenfranchised by other social medias and simply walked away. After the Reddit API scandal, I discovered the Fediverse (after hearing vaguely about Mastodon years ago). Let them come on their own. We should welcome all refugees.

  • You’ve got it right. the thing is that corporations will have to adopt to these standards, but that doesn’t stop us from opting out via decentralized methods and, if you favor it, piracy.

    You can spin up your own media server like Jellyfin and serve content to users in your own enclave. Open it to the public and it’s ripe for DMCA takedown.

    We can spin up our own social media places and collaborate together. There’s lots of options out there to meet every need. Maybe over time as storage gets cheaper, we’ll figure out how to decentralize large media like movies and tv shows over some kind of distributed service like an open blockchain, and then we can say goodbye to YouTube. Or the YouTube alternatives (not the front ends) will become easier with less friction, and user-supported server costs.

    The one thing we couldn’t spin up though are core services that I mentioned - banking, healthcare, government sites, etc.

  • Absolutely. But there’s the catch - if Google passes this (and they will, because they don’t like ad blockers since it hurts their revenue), others will implement it.

    Other Chromium browsers will be forced to adopt Mv3 too. If they don’t adopt it, the users that continue to use those browsers will find that certain web sites or services won’t work, and they’ll uninstall them and leave the service. “Why can’t Opera/Brave load my stupid bank? This is so stupid. I just want to check my balance. Whoa! It works in Chrome! That’s awesome! Why are these idiots at Brave even developers if they can’t fix the simplest shit? They should learn from Google, I’m switching to Chrome.”

    And thus, Google Chrome isn’t necessarily “a monopoly”, because other Chromium browsers will adopt it if they want to stay in business. Opera belongs to China, Brave feeds their advertisements and has Basic Attention Token (BAT) cryptocurrency, Microsoft Edge is everything Google is but with a heaping pile of Microsoft privacy invasions. They’ll adopt it, they don’t have a choice.

    Other Chromium browsers like Ungoogled Chromium, which is made by voluntary developers in their free time, will not adopt it. But because they’re unpaid, how long can they fight Mv3? Eventually, Ungoogled Chromium will disappear.

    Firefox and its forks (Librewolf, Waterfox, etc.) are safe for now. In 10 years when Web sites don’t work, if they don’t adopt Mv3, they too will disappear. Firefox is a corporation that has salaries and a bottom line - they’ll have no choice but to comply or they will perish.

    The only way this can somehow get turned around is if Google is upended and a new competitor emerges that the majority of users flocks to. The largest competitor is Firefox, which is not Chromium. Web developers and corporations design their services for the majority of users, so maximum compatibility is for Chromium. I don’t see that happening ever. Hopefully Brave and Microsoft have enough power and decide they don’t want to use Mv3. That’s our only chance.

  • A quick, non-technical explanation:

    • Google is working toward implementing a new protocol in Google Chrome, “Manifest v3”, that will be intrusive and help enforce Digital Rights Management, as well as stopping ad blockers.
    • Under the guise of this being safe, secure, and to curb bots, Mv3 will require users to become Trusted by using the Chrome browser.
    • Since the majority of users are using Google Chrome, this will heavily influence corporations to adopt this protocol in their service.
    • A Trusted user can access Netflix in the browser. If you’re using Firefox or are an untrusted user, you will not be able to access Netflix in your browser.
    • This protocol will appear one day in some form, and it will greatly shift the internet and force more users into Google’s ecosystem.
    • This will spread to all areas of the internet - Banking web sites, government web sites, healthcare, entertainment, education, etc.
    • The internet will become less “free” over time. More censorship, less rights.
    • Lots of ads can contain malware. Considering that Google allows phishing sites to pay for an ad to appear directly in Google search results, there is no confidence that Mv3 will be safe or secure.

    See my other comments in this Post for more details.

  • We won’t be able to tear them down. We don’t have the resources to break apart these large corporations. They climbed to the top via the best strategy: find a pipe of money or flow of money in the economy, straddle it and start extracting bits of it like a parasite. In other words, “rent-seeking behavior”. Eventually you get enough money that you buy all the corporations and competitors around and above you so you get bigger. Then you buy the congressman at the top that oversees the laws and regulations, and you use them to make laws in your favor that make it difficult for your competitors to compete with you or keep up with regulation. The end result is that your competition gets buried, and you balloon to the top. Then it’s your goal to get as much money as possible.

    Since we can’t tear down large corporations because they captured the regulators (or are financed by governments), the only thing we can do is opt out. You, reader, have already started opting out by using the Fediverse.

    The danger of centralization becomes more apparent over time. Continue to use decentralized solutions. Don’t be an evangelist and try to convert people.

    Instead, when people get burned (and they will), they will find us. The grassroots people, the anarchists, the ones that just want their freedom from their oppressors.

    Give it time. Write your politicians, vote like a good citizen, and when your rights get taken away from you, don’t make letter bombs or rage against your fellows in the working class. Instead, opt out. Take back control by using decentralized systems that can’t be controlled.