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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 27th, 2023


  • Macs are like uncannily good at real-time audio processing, also audio and MIDI routing in general has less friction. Less tinkering in general when connecting external synths

    Like with anything you can find tons of people online who have no issues with their windows based production setup, YMMV. But macs are ubiquitous in the music space, from my experience I think it’s deserved

  • It builds character! Lol but, yeah phasmo is too intense for many of my adult friends, even.

    Out of curiosity, do you generally know what he was doing on Roblox? I’ve heard of several horror games being remade within Roblox, such as Iron Lung. I’ve wondered what the limitations are. I definitely remember stumbling into some intense things when I was around that age, but the landscape is so different now

  • What’s the calorie need differential between an ectomorph and an endomorph?

    None. Somatotypes are a pseudoscience and have been completely debunked.

    What role does hormone and thyroid play?

    The difference between the “fastest” and “slowest” metabolism in healthy people of the same weight is at most 300kcal per day, which is significant, but couldn’t account for a missing ~3k surplus per day

    There are however several conditions which cause the body to simply not to process food (malabsorption is the term to look up), which is what must have been happening to you.

    It’s very common for people to misestimate their calories by massive amounts, which is why people are expressing doubts, but what you’re describing is a real thing that happens

  • I felt somewhat disappointed with the manga ending back when I read it. I even remember reading some quotes from the author where he said he thought he “didn’t execute it well”, or something to that effect. It all just left me feeling a little deflated.

    This was a very difficult ending to pull off in the best of circumstances, and then it unfortunately had some problems with pacing and clarity. Nothing too major, really, but just enough to make everything feel a little off. It wasn’t a great way to feel at the end of an otherwise 10/10 story.

    However, I am extremely pleased with the anime ending! I felt like they totally addressed the issues I encountered. The pacing in general felt so much better, and in particular I think the rework of the conversation between Eren and Armin was excellent.

    I think this is the best version of the story. I’m glad it came out the way it did and that people are receiving it positively

  • Eh, it’s always a gamble if you make a joke or reference to something. Reddit was the same way. Even if it’s well received in general there will be people who don’t get it “correcting” you in the comments. Just gotta keep trucking and trust that your target audience knows what you’re talking about.

    I liked your comment fwiw. The whole concept here is sticking with what you know despite it being outdated, which many now understand to be a “boomer” trait regardless of someone’s birth year