Guess I’ll have to wait a bit longer for the vore mod…
IED(EDS) sufferer and spectrum surfer. You probably won’t like what I have to say.
Guess I’ll have to wait a bit longer for the vore mod…
Cannot wait to see some of the sick things modders bring in the coming years
This is the exact fucking harassment I get every fuckdamn time the bidet cultists catch wind, and I am so fuckdamn tired of it.
Listen, wetass, if you enjoy spraying fecal mist all over your bathroom while simultaneously drenching every square inch of your ass in bacterial medium that’s on you. I know how to wipe and my partners have never had an issue going down town for dinner and NONE of them were ever shy about informing me on my odor.
You just want license to make your anal fetish public and its disgusting.
Every time I lay out my talking points about moisture contact and contaminated spray you fucknuggets just spam my inbox with insults so I have zero interest in arguing with any of you wetasses.
Incorrect. I didn’t even know what skidmarks were till my bidet insisting roommate described them. I thought she was making a sick joke.
This is a trap, literally none of you want to hear why bidets are disgusting and I will not be dragged into this again.
Fuck bidets and everyone who recommends them.
Of COURSE they do. Hell they feel existential dread towards things that aren’t even there. Its just that their body language is so different from ours, that we don’t usually recognize it.
Hell just staring into an unfamiliar cat’s eyes can give it a case of the screaming jibblies.
Or it’s proof that the creator of our universe is a Demiurge, a flawed reflection of God that only creates flawed things.
I’m kind of wanting to start a gnostic schism…
In the 80s I used to idolize this man.
Wow he turned out to be a special kind of shitbag.
Not true, as when space bends, it bends the rulers and compasses too. We experience no spatial distortion.
A person traveling near the speed of light doesn’t feel like time is slower for them (but it is and we can measure it)
The principle is equivalent.
That said, it’s not a straight line in any topology standard I am aware of.
Sure you could CREATE a topology framework where this would be considered a straight line, but there is no real world model that could come even close without so much mass being concentrated in static relative areas, and EVEN THEN it would only be straight for a predetermined instant before the mass deforming spacetime began interacting with each other.
That’s the problem with spacetime deformations, almost no layman takes into account the ridiculous amounts of static mass to make those strange topologies.
THANK YOU! Cats (and humans for that fact) were NEVER meant to eat so much grain.
Wet food every time I can afford it. I will get a lot of flak from people here but cats are not supposed to eat that much grain.
It’s ok if this format goes away
Lost an 11 year account on the other site for reporting a thread where some ‘frienworld’ style fashi bois were planning a hit and run at a protest the next week.
20 mins later my account was permabanned for ‘ban evasion’ despite that being my only reddit account ever.
And you wonder why people don’t take linux cultists seriously…
open source nerds need to keep their fucking mouths shut until they deliver a end-user grade linux distro.
It’s been 25 fuckdamn years already…
I’d love that, my entire frontpage is the same 30 things over and over unless I deliberately sort for something then it’s a DIFFERENT 30 things over and over