Distro - xubuntu Dock - Plank Theme - fluent-round-Dark Icons - Papirus-dark

I also have ulauncher installed but it closed every time I tried to screenshot

This is all, I’m a beginner, laugh if you want, the theme doesn’t work with some apps like KDE connect but it’s alright I guess

  • MrBubbles96@lemmy.ml
    11 months ago

    Wouldn’t call it harder, exactly (then again, I’m most familiar with XFCE, so kinda biased here lol) since most everything is grouped together either in the settings menu or panel prefrences, and you can just drag and drop whatever you downloaded from xfce look to the desktop apperance and icon list to add them to spice up your desktop, whereas in KDE, which I love, don’t get me wrong. It’s a tinkerer’s paradise, the settings for X, Y, and Z are kinda all over the place