Credit for the image goes to Mark Virkus @Arcaderage
The game that was meant to teach you that capitalists aren’t your friends and the game is rigged.
Now you can purchase 87,000 cutesy themes of it. Collect the whole set! Talk about woosh.
Apparently people just want to burn.
It really amazes me the way it shows the effects of income inequality and yet republicans can win just saying they will lower taxes.
The reason it works every time is simple, and quite pathetic for those it works on:
Nah, gotta exploit the Housing Shortage rule and NEVER upgrade to hotels
The game requires you to build houses before hotels, so if there are 32 (I believe) houses on the board, no one can go straight to hotels.
Even better if you own all the houses.
It’s like a hidden Monopoly in Monopoly
If you can keep tabs on other people, I like to get hotels, watch someone scramble to match me (trading at a loss to get a set, mortgaging everything else, etc) so they don’t hemorrhage money to me, then downgrading to houses just before they cross me.
Only actually pulled this off a few times, but the pain in their voice as they were forced to sell their hotel, just barely, to pay rent, but had to downgrade straight to nothing, and they know I have all the houses now, that’s even sweeter than just getting the houses in the first place.
Once someone teased me a property giving me a second set, so they’d have a first, only for me to do this to them after getting lucky and getting the browns to hoard houses on. Quick game, no one was happy.
Sidenote: winner picks up is a role in my household. Gives the losers a way to go “ha ha” and helps keeps bad feelings at the game table and not afterwards.
This is the real way to destroy families. I’ve never felt dirtier playing a board game.
I belive in consistency. I will eat the rich even if it’s my own son building a house on broadway.
Miss Scarlet with the revolver in the living room.