Like every time a country conducts genocide people close their eyes and don’t want to admit that, facing such crimes against humanity, every single Israeli has the duty to do whatever they can to stop their government.
No matter if its a Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Jinping, Putin or Netanyahu (or some political conglomerate), and no matter where the injustice and moral corruption began or what once was, the people have to stand up against a corrupt system at that point. Of they don’t they are indeed complicit, every single time.
Until they’re attempting to overthrow their govt in order to stop all this then they might as well be complicit.
Like every time a country conducts genocide people close their eyes and don’t want to admit that, facing such crimes against humanity, every single Israeli has the duty to do whatever they can to stop their government. No matter if its a Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Jinping, Putin or Netanyahu (or some political conglomerate), and no matter where the injustice and moral corruption began or what once was, the people have to stand up against a corrupt system at that point. Of they don’t they are indeed complicit, every single time.
There is no gray area or in between. You are either 100 percent innocent or 100 percent bad.
That’s a tough standard. Does that apply to everyone or just jews?