As far as I know there are these;

  • Camel case = coolFileName
  • Snake case = cool_file_name
  • Kebab case = cool-file-name
  • Pascal case = CoolFileName
  • Dot notation =
  • Flat case = coolfilename
  • Screaming case = COOLFILENAME

Personally I prefer the kebab/dot conventions simply because they allow for easy “navigation” with (ctrl+arrow keys) between each part. What are your preferences when it comes to this? Did I miss any schemes?

    1 month ago

    I kebab case mine for personal files.

    It’s mostly because I don’t have to use a modifier key and it’s doesn’t need url encoding and all in the same lowercase. Dot notation looks nice but I feel like dots are for extensions only. Flat case is horrible to read, screaming case even worse, camel/pascal case to many times ends up as coolFileNAme on first time typing.

    I’ve done a couple of different styles because of programming in different languages but now if I have to do anything that’s not kebab case I make a small frown.