Because if I don’t understand something, I would like an understanding of what the reasoning behind it is. We get smarter by asking people about the world. I find a lot of issues with people emerge because they don’t think about the reasoning behind any of what they are doing and simply fall into a rut of convenience instead of finding a better way to do things.
But of course on the internet, people get pretty angry when questioning a behavior they just adopted and never bothered to think about.
Because if I don’t understand something, I would like an understanding of what the reasoning behind it is. We get smarter by asking people about the world. I find a lot of issues with people emerge because they don’t think about the reasoning behind any of what they are doing and simply fall into a rut of convenience instead of finding a better way to do things.
But of course on the internet, people get pretty angry when questioning a behavior they just adopted and never bothered to think about.