Oh, man. The ol’ Aerokat. Liz Lemon seconds your cat’s facehugger likeness. She’s not a fan either. But she doesn’t hold her breath, so I at least have that going for me.
Hah yeah I’d have been impressed too. Thankfully LL’s asthma has waned since we moved. So I’m thinking we maybe had some mold or something that was bothering her. I hope Betty gets more used to it!
Oh, man. The ol’ Aerokat. Liz Lemon seconds your cat’s facehugger likeness. She’s not a fan either. But she doesn’t hold her breath, so I at least have that going for me.
Lucky! I was kind of impressed when Betty figured out she could hold her breath but it’s gotten slightly less funny over time.
Hah yeah I’d have been impressed too. Thankfully LL’s asthma has waned since we moved. So I’m thinking we maybe had some mold or something that was bothering her. I hope Betty gets more used to it!