some guy… somewhere

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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: May 18th, 2024


  • Sure hasn’t helped AI/LLMs with accuracy yet. And never will. Computing doesn’t actually think and reason, it’s just mashing together bits of data it has, and if what it has now isn’t accurate, how is anything going to be?

    You and others continue to harp on how great this new technology is and meanwhile we have seen it do nothing but absolutely, laughably fail. You keep saying it will get better, but it won’t. It is limited by the fact that computers don’t work that way. Sick and tired of the people justifying this garbage “tech” that is stealing art, code, text, etc, sucking up huge amounts of power, and giving wrong information, telling people to do dangerous things and even kill themselves because computers don’t know the difference.

    Just admit it. AI/LLM is garbage. Please. Stop being a massive fanboy for something that has clearly, evidently, 100% failed miserably and dangerously.

  • You can’t even rely on Wikipedia to be right, and how is reddit “content you can license”? Its articles are owned by their sites, and the original stuff posted there is from the poster and is usually wildly inaccurate or outright wrong (or even downright dangerous). And even when they do pull in tons of stuff they shouldn’t, the results are frequently laughably wrong.

    You’re not making a good argument for LLM crap here. Just accept the fact that it’s a failed technology that needs to be shut down. Please. How are people so excited and gung-ho over this garbage, failed, laughably bad technology? It’s almost like people WANT chaos.

  • A language for noobs that encourages bad style and programming because you can’t shoot yourself in the foot as easily (but you totally still can)? That’s what all these fad languages seem to be, and more keep popping up and declaring themselves the future of programming all the time. Just wait, rust will be forgotten for some other fad language everyone will start using soon enough. Stop reworking everything into the fad language of the moment and just work on existing code.

  • The fact that it’s optional now is irrelevant. Most people aren’t going to disable AI and will thus use a horrible, broken feature that has never been proven to work reliably. And what is “optional” now becomes the standard later. Best to kill it now before it becomes the complete ruination of the tech industry.

  • WE.






    “Lasting longer” on plants means we get the nutrition we need to barely continuously function on plants. That’s like pushing around a car and claiming it still works. Our cognitive abilities and our core strength both rely on animal meat to run at their full capacity. And even with just plants, our health slowly deteriorates to the point where even that isn’t enough any more. Look up the vast number of people online who have recanted their vegan vows because of severe health issues. People who say they’re pure vegan and don’t have issues are either vegetarian (which an added strong diet of eggs is a vast improvement over a pure vegan diet though not perfect) and/or cheat on their diet (which is much more likely).

    You can’t argue against science. It’s pathetic. You’re like the fucking flat earthers and god-lovers. Still clinging to an obsolete, bullshit, laughable belief in fucking 2024 when we should all be together in understanding how the world fucking works.

    Get over yourself.

  • What evidence do you want? The tons of descriptions about human beings in our entire history isn’t enough for you? The fact that our teeth, our digestive system, and every single part of us is engineered to require meat? You can’t argue against science, because you’re just wrong if you do. All of these “studies” are doing is trying to rally against established science. This isn’t opinion. This isn’t some “dramatic crusade”. This is fact. You are the one that cannot and will not understand facts. And I don’t care if you claim to eat meat, you’re apparently arguing against it which goes against what you say you are doing which makes me believe that you’re lying just to make people think you’re “objective” and “open minded” when you’re anything but.

    We are omnivores. This is a fact. We need at least some meat to live well. This is a fact. I have never claimed that vegetarian or vegan meals are bad for you. I have never claimed that we need to eat a ton of meat; on the contrary, I believe we do eat too much meat as a society and can cut back quite a bit. But cutting it out entirely? No. That’s wrong. That goes against everything we are as human beings.

    I don’t know what else I can tell you. If you still are hung up on your vegan bullshit, I have nothing else to say because you’re just brainwashed and in a cult. It’s that simple.